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Images of Care Where You Are In-Home Care, Kalamazoo, MI
Images of Care Where You Care In-Home Care in Kalamazoo, MI


With Care Where You Are, our caregivers are highly trained and experienced in providing personalized support tailored to each individual’s care plan, specialized needs, and preferences. Families can stay connected and reassured by accessing real-time care updates through our Family Portal, available after every shift.

Guaranteed Shift Coverage

Immediate Starts Available

Hourly to 24-hour Service Plans

Memory Care

Post-surgical Care

VA Approved Home Care Provider

We Are Our Caregivers

We hire experienced caregivers and reward them with industry-leading pay and professional work attire. By investing in our team, we ensure you receive exceptional care and service.


Guaranteed Shift Coverage

With Care Where You Are, when we say we'll be there, it's something you can count on. Our GPS tracking system alerts our managers if an aide is not at your home as scheduled. In these uncommon circumstance, a leader will spring into action, communicating with your regular aide and arranging/providing backup service if needed. We never leave a client without service.

There When You Need Us!
We work mornings, nights, weekends, and holidays. Whether you need in-home support a few hours per week or 24 hours per day, we can help. Whether you want in-home aide services for a week or from now on, we'll be at your side. We serve you on the schedule that fits your needs, with one or more aides who fit both your skills needs and your personality. We take every measure to ensure that home care is a fully satisfying experience for everyone involved. It all starts with a conversation.
Photo of a home care aide arriving at a home
Health Knowledge Center
When researching health questions online, start with a source you can trust. We have gathered thousands of health articles into a searchable, bilingual database. The articles are very easy to read, authoritatively sourced, and constantly updated. Check it out and bookmark this page.

Service Area:

Covering all of Southwest Michigan including Berrien, Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Cass County, Kalamazoo, Paw Paw, St. Joseph, Van Buren County, and surrounding areas.

Let us know what's on your mind. We may be able to help.
Request a no-obligation, in-home consult.





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